coat-of-arms Romanian Paintings coat-of-arms

The following paintings are some of
the most representative Romanian
works of art of the 19th Century.

Peasant Girl from Muscel Nicolae Grigorescu(1838-1907):
"Peasant Girl from Muscel"

Nicolae Grigorescu is Romanian with all his soul and by all his work his friendship with French artists could not tear him away from Romanian meditation, from the memory of the Doinas, from the image of the vast Danube plain, gleaming with silvery dust, from that sweet hilly country with vineyards and shingled little houses. ... He remains a poet, and his art is a bird's trill. A Romanian by feeling, by his delicate lyricism, by the sympathy he puts into his painting, by his choice of broad melancholy or dreamily intimate motifs, by whatever is gentle and spiritual in his oeuvre ...

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