Why are you, your worst enemy?
"Israelis took between 30 and 60 of the ship’s wounded to hospitals. When three of the ships reached the Israeli port city of Ashdod just north of Gaza, 80 activists disembarked, and all were kept away from the media. When foreign media attempted to contact them to get their account of events, they were unable. As a result, only Israel’s account of events dominated headlines. All of those detained by the Israelis were given the option of deportation or jail.
Israel’s poorly executed raid of the Mavi Marmara provoked an international outcry of official and popular protest. The U.N. Security Council called an emergency meeting on Monday. The Arab League called a meeting on Tuesday in Cairo, Egypt. The European Union demanded that the Israel’s blockade on Gaza be immediately lifted and condemned the Israeli raid. Protestors gathered in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. with signs that read, “Stop Israel’s slaughter in Gaza: Cut off U.S. Aid!â€
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