Finally a movie about "Vlad" made by Hollywood

Regarding Vlad Tepes

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Finally a movie about "Vlad" made by Hollywood

Post by webmaster »

Long overdue and coming soon to a theatre near you. ... ula-movie/

Filming to take place in and around Bran Castle, among other locations.

P.S. Shish, you've met your match :-) They stole your idea.
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Re: Finally a movie about "Vlad" made by Hollywood

Post by webmaster »

webmaster wrote:Long overdue and coming soon to a theatre near you. ... ula-movie/

Filming to take place in and around Bran Castle, among other locations.

P.S. Shish, you've met your match :-) They stole your idea.

It's a pity it did not happen. We shall continue with our subtitling the old Vlad Tepes movie.
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Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

I think I mentioned before that I am making a digital movie about Janos Hunyadi.

Vlad's parents come in to the picture while Vlad is still in his mother's womb and he makes regular appearances in the movie throughout his early life up until the moment he begins his rise to power.

It may not cover his reign of brutality (at the moment, there is no coverage in the story of him killing anyone) but it DOES; in great detail and suspense, cover his experiences in life that made him what he was.

I am also making a documentary series called, "The Good side of the Bad Guys / The bad side of the Good Guys" which mostly consists of proving that people we are taught to believe were monsters were heroes, and that people we are taught to believe were heroes were monsters.

It's obviously a split series, but the first episode of the "Good side of the Bad Guys" part is about Vlad the Impaler. You'll be surprised how thorough it is in proving that Vlad is loved by the Romanian people for a reason.
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Post by webmaster »

Shish-kabob-Forrest wrote:I think I mentioned before that I am making a digital movie about Janos Hunyadi.

Vlad's parents come in to the picture while Vlad is still in his mother's womb and he makes regular appearances in the movie throughout his early life up until the moment he begins his rise to power.

It may not cover his reign of brutality (at the moment, there is no coverage in the story of him killing anyone) but it DOES; in great detail and suspense, cover his experiences in life that made him what he was.

I am also making a documentary series called, "The Good side of the Bad Guys / The bad side of the Good Guys" which mostly consists of proving that people we are taught to believe were monsters were heroes, and that people we are taught to believe were heroes were monsters.

It's obviously a split series, but the first episode of the "Good side of the Bad Guys" part is about Vlad the Impaler. You'll be surprised how thorough it is in proving that Vlad is loved by the Romanian people for a reason.
Thank you for your work.

Question still stands:

Why is it that Hollywood never made true-to-life movies about
Vlad Tepes and/or Erzsebeth Bathory, for that matter???
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Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

I get the impression that no one is really paying attention.

The new video game, "Assassin's Creed: Revelation" has allot of references to him and deals allot with matters directly concerning him. Pre-order games have an extra add-on that includes meeting him (or what was left of him) face to face.

TBH, they screwed up on ALLOT regarding the Ottoman conflict as well as stuff regarding his death. They even got his death year wrong, saying he died in 1485, as where he really died in the winter between 1475 and 1476, right around the change of the year.

In the mission concerning Vlad himself, I was also disappointed that they just couldn't resist that "Dracula" theme, making it all dark and gloomy, like something right out of a vampire movie.

They DID at least do a decent job with the Janissary Corps. That's the one thing I have to say I am impressed with and it's the one thing I thought they were going to royally screw up on, if even include at all.
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