The War of all Ages: Previews

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The War of all Ages: Previews

Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

In case any of you missed any of these, here are some previews (including the latest update of the prolouge/epolouge:

Authenticity disclaimer:

Although many minor details were added to fill in the blanks and give life to this story, this story overall is true to the gravest details known and is based on many years of research.

The Ottoman war was a forgotten world war that lasted for lifetimes. Many of the events and people in this story shaped the entire world, as you know it to this very day. All named people and places in this story are/were real.


Late in the 14th century, the Muslim empire was crushed by the Mongol warlord: Tammerlane and caused the Muslim civilization in to civil war and anarchy. Meanwhile, Christian Europe began to spread and grow in corruption.

Years later, Christian Europe would be shocked by the sudden rise of the Ottoman Muslim empire.

1453. The Sultan Mehmet II laid siege to the Christian Empire of Constantinople bringing threat upon Christian Europe once again. The pope refused to support immediate counter-offenses to liberate Constantinople in order to maintain the western stronghold against the onslaught of the Ottoman Empire. As result, Constantinople would never rise again.

1456. After enduring years of bitter and bloodthirsty turmoil, Janos Hunyadi invaded Serbia in order to block the Ottoman Empires invasion of Europe. With the Order of the Dragon who had been commissioned to defend the Transylvanian stronghold against Ottoman influence now faded away, his list of trustworthy allies has grown shallow and grim. Being all that was left to repel the Ottoman conquest of Europe and out of options, he has made the decision to entrust the affective but ruthless warrior: Vladislav Basarab Draculya III to take authority of the Transylvania region and repel the Ottoman Turks. It was a decision that would forever define the fate of Europe and the world.


From the 4th chapter:

Janos insisted that Friar Giovanni stay with him for safety but Giovanni was insistent about being in close contact with there men, so Janos asked him to oversee defense of the walls at the waterways as Janos would fall back to the upper levels of Nandorfehervak to oversee the fighting and defend the tactical stronghold from falling in to Turkish hands. As he retreated to the upper levels, the first wave of Turkish cavalry broke through cutting straight through Hunyadi's and Giovanni's troops and moving straight for the upper levels when gunfire and fused bombshells (medieval grenades) began pouring on Turkish cavalry from the upper levels and skirmishing troops. On the far side of the river observing the damage on Nandorfehervak and the absence of artillery coming from Nandorfehervak, Mehmed II said: "RADU" "Yes Sultan" said Radu as he approached. "Withdraw further advancements of your troops. He then turned to the nearby Aga and said: "Send in the Janissaries"

From the 7th chapter:

After more then an hour since the end of the mass, the boyar nobles had all finally gotten situated at the party grounds and while the children played in a play area away from the main party, nobles and their spouses conversed with each other and drank fine wines and ate exotic food. Vlad who now had grown a mustache and wore a baggie shirt, vest, cape and the Walachian crown, respectfully walked around a refreshment area asking people how they liked the food. "How do you like the pudding" he asked one noblewoman. "It is wonderful" she replied followed by her husband saying: "Yes, and the fish is excellent. "I am glad that you enjoy" Vlad replied. "Vladislav Draculya" said an educated nobleman to Vlad. I have learned a great deal about your works over the last few months. In deed, you are much different then your father. I have high hopes for your future. "Thank you" Vlad replied. As he walked about, he noticed a man near the condiment table who seamed as if he were so frustrated that he was about to burst who he had recognized as one of the more snobbery nobles. "Is their something wrong?" Vlad asked him. The man paused and began to slowly raise his head and take a slow, deep breath as if he were preparing to lash out. "Isn't the food good enough for you?" Vlad asked. Speaking in a tone indicating disgust and frustration but trying to conceal it, the man replied: "The food is great, but the air is foul!" This line got peoples attention and the area surrounding the condiment table began to quiet. "Well……….Then we must make it pure for you." Said Vlad in a cocky sarcastic tone. He immediately called his guards to seize him and the entire party came to a halt as nobles gathered around to see what was happening. Vlad ordered an impalement team and an extra long stake. When he made the order, the man began to scream and struggle as the guards responded by beating him to serenity and soon after, he fainted out of fear and panic.

From the 11th chapter

As the leaders of the mission headed for the royal court, the men at the convoy noticed a rather large solid gold cup sitting on the fountain in the middle of the towns square. As many of them gathered around the cup that seamed unattached to the fountain, one decided to try picking it up and to everyone's surprise, he picked it up off of the fountain discovering that the highly valuable gold cup was in fact unattached and that anyone could walk off and take it at any time With the gruesome impalement seen still on there minds, the man put the gold cup back down in a state of terrified confusion and a man near him said: "I have a bad feeling about this strange place."

From the 14th chapter

However, as affective as the artillery was, smaller skirmishes of Ottoman troops were breaking through and making there way up the mountain. Vlad ordered reinforcements to enter the slopes around Ft. Poenari and start shooting the upcoming troops and even throw rocks at them in the midst of the relentless artillery fire. While moving about, Vlad noticed his wife curled up in a corner on the outer wall and yelled: "My dear, what are you doing? Get inside." Before turning back to his duties. He then began bringing out bombshells and having them dispersed among his men ordering them to use them sparingly on large numbers of incoming Turks.


Honored and loved by their people, Janos Hunyadi and his son: Matthias Corvinus became icons of heroism and justice throughout Europe. Their family’s grand castle: Ft. Hunedoara, still remains intact in the city of Hunedoara as a major tourist attraction.

Friar Giovani; the Franciscan monk who assisted Janos Hunyadi at Nandorfehervak was later canonized by the Catholic Church as St. Juan of Capistrano in the year 1690.

King Istvan III of Moldova fought many long and trying military campaigns after the battle at Vaslui and is remembered for his deeds as Stephan the Great and one of histories greater heros.

The Optimistic Istvan Bathory was a highly successful military leader who excelled in ranks and became the forefather of many well known people including King Istvan II of Poland as well as a famous serial killer named: Erszibet Bathory, later to be known as Elizabeth Bathory the blood Countess.

In spite of his outstanding achievements against the Ottoman Empire, which brought about the salvation of Christian Europe, Vladislav Basarab Draculya III was remembered in infamy soon after his death, known throughout Europe as Vlad the Impaler. Centuries later, inspired by a theme of a tragic romance, the siege and suicide at Poenari became the capitol point of inspiration behind the now legendary vampire story of Count Dracula.

While the warriors defending Transylvania and surrounding areas from the Ottoman Empire ultimately achieved the safety of Europe and the World from the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire remained intact and fighting for centuries after before finely collapsing in the early 20th century following their defeat in the first world war.

This long forgotten moment in history is only one account of many tragedies of which civilizations and empires have risen and fallen at the hands of the war of all ages.
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Post by Vlad »

Needs a lot of editing but the overall picture is GREAT.

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Have no idea about the whereabouts of REAL VLAD. In case you know something, please PM.
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Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

Fortunately, everything above is now out of date. I have been working on the book but it's going VERY SLOWLEY do to lack of resources. Hopefully that will be all cleaned up soon. Editing has been about 70% of the work I’ve been doing. I also just finished last night the picture of Nandorfehervak (Belgrade) and chapter 16. According to the layout, the book will have 23 chapters, but that's not a definite number. Half the remaining chapters are very short chapters though so the book is closer then it seams.
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