Intelligent design

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Intelligent design

Post by webmaster »

Please see/READ: Zecharia Sitchin - The Earth Chronicles

The Bible scholars come to term with REALITY, explained by the above author in his major writing - The Earth Chronicles.

All of a sudden HOMO SAPIENS appeared...out of the BLUE.

Where is the missing LINK?Probably

Have you ever tried to search for Google at Go for it.
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Been there

Post by RealVlad »

I have read all Stichins books through the years, but since planet X did not arrive when he said it might etc. I sorta got away from the beleif in it all. We have just heard about the 10th planet in the sky but that too seemed to disapear in the news etc.
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Feeling sorry??

Post by Vlad »

Don't worry. It's never too late. It's been announced, broadcast.

It's just a matter of time...a few years, give or take, just like George Orwell predicted an International omnipotent Government would happen in "1984".

He was off by 20 years, but it is happening as we speak.

What do you have to say about that??
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Post by RealVlad »

It could be still coming who knows as you say. I think that 1984 is not really here yet maybe a little bit of things like crime cameras in places. The crime is so high it is crazy. I don't remember the information in the book or the movie anymore, I have not thought of that in a very long time.
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2012, DECEMBER 21

Post by Vlad »

Whether it is NIBIRU...or a COMET, or an ASTEROID, same thing will happen, meaning: TOTAL DESTRUCTION.

When our solar system passes through the middle of our galaxy (The Milky WAY), start shaking hands with your neighbors, kiss your kids and your asses GOOD BYE.

So much for the flimsy International Space Station they are trying hard to build and turn into a Noah's Ark. POOOFFF.. It shall turn into ashes in an instant.

It only happens every 25-26 thousands of years, as we know them.

It is about to happen again on December 21st, 2012, the date the MAYAN calendar ends. Today's astronomers agree.

Perhaps now is the time to start reading The Earth Chronicles, by Zecharia Sitchin. In the meanwhile make peace with GOD, SATAN, or whoever you're praying to. Atheists need not apply.

RAPTURE is near. Those who believe in another dimension shall be happy because instead of a regular death and ascent into another dimension, they will be part of a bigger picture (Hollywood like).

Any questions??
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