Fugitzi din Romania

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Fugitzi din Romania

Post by Vlad »

Celor care au fugit din Romania in timpul comunismului..:

Va invitam sa descrietzi peripetziile voastre aici.

Dumnezeu shi istoria va tzine cont de poveshtile voastre de groaza.

Ar fi pacat sa nu afle Europa shi toata omenirea prin ce au trecut Romanii shi cum s-au auto EXILAT intre anii de groaza 1945-1989, shi dupa.
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Let's start with these..

Post by webmaster »

Horror stories of Romanians trying to defect/run away from communist Romania, trying to swim across the Danube River into Yugoslavia.

Some made it, some got shot and drowned, some made it and were deported back to Romania by the Yugoslavs or by Hungarians.

Rumor has it that, when one of the channels pouring into the Danube was drained, a lot of bodies were found. There was a big hoopla between the Romanian Gov and the Yugoslav Gov regarding the identity of those bodies. Neither party was willing to accept the responsibility and/or acknowledge the CRIME. Go figure.

I gave you a start.

Please follow up with your individual stories, may they be from crossing the border and/or the exiled life in CAMPS throughout Europe, such as the ones in Vienna, Rome, Frankfurt..etc
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