Habsburgs' GREED

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Habsburgs' GREED

Post by Vlad »

Habsburgs declining offer

Postby webmaster » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:43 pm
The Domain Name Draculascastle.com was offered for sale to the actual owners of Bran Castle.

The response was that THEIR site gets more hits than draculascastle.com. Therefore declined the offer.
Of course, they are paying Google for their "HITS". A lousy attitude and so called "fair" tactics.

May God help them. They are running in RED right now. It costs them more to maintain Bran Castle, than whatever yearly income they may have.
From a million visitors in 2016, nowadays they are down to about 150,000 visitors in 2017.

Draculascastle.com provided, free of charge, a lot of advertising since 1997, when it was established on the NET. Front page was Bran Castle for about 15 years.

Again, the GREEDY GREED ruining EX-ROYAL Families. What a SHAME.

Thanks for NOTHING, Habsburgs.
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