In Southern California, and all over USA, all is done by controlling territories, just like in the good old days.
AT&T has its share of Monopoly, and so do Spectrum/Charter Communications.
Internet users/customers of the above entities have no other choice,
but to comply with the rising costs of Internet access, in these forsaken states of US of America.
Most of Eastern Europe, and Asia, have much lower costs for much faster Broadband Internet access. A fact of LIFE, in 2019-2020.
To SPECTRUM/Charter:
Here is my feedback/survey response.
While you advertised upgrading all to the lousy 200 Mbps for free, you cannot deliver. Period.
We understand coming from behind and patching and upgrading to fiber optics and such, for as long as that may take.
We do not understand the false advertising, and why users were not explained that they have to have 5G machines, prior to that.
Again, misinformation, false advertising, not to mention the MONOPOLY/Anti TRUST laws being broken, over and over, again and again.
Where, and when, and how is the Justice Department deciding on this issue ?? We shall never know.
However, YOU, SPECTRUM/CHARTER/Time Warner, keep raising the prices for Internet Access.
What a BIG GAS !! Shame on you fellows.
How much longer can you keep this pick pocketing under cover ?
How much longer can you monopolize territories ?
How much longer will you keep throttling US DOWN ?? For a few extra $$$ ?? DAMN YOU, US ISP Providers.
Is the Anti-TRUST LAW still alive in these US of A??
I would not BET on it.
The SPECTRUM/Charter deal, for whom it may concern
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