ROMA vs ROMA, Italy vs Romanians

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ROMA vs ROMA, Italy vs Romanians

Post by Vlad »

ROMA is a generic term for gypsies/romany. But it is also the name of a city in Italy. ROME - ROMA - CAPITAL of ITALY. (Ya know, where Vatican is..etc..etc.).Pff....(':P')

Romani (as gypsies call themselves, sometimes with an "i", sometimes with a "y" at the end, and generic "ROMA"), is also the term used to describe the inhabitants of a country called ROMANIA, the last country to bear the name of the old ROMAN EMPIRE.
In the Romanian language: "Romani" means Romanians. Natives of ROMANIA, a EU member nation.

To the uneducated citizens of Europe and the rest of the world it seems very easy to confuse the ROMANIANS (native inhabitants of Romania since at least the ROMAN EMPIRE times, A.D. 100), with ROMA/ROMANI/Y, an ethnic population/race which migrated towards Europe around A.D. 1322.

In view of the recent events in Italy, one needs to be aware of the fact that gypsies assumed the name of ROMA/ROMANI/Y, therefore creating the confusion between the name of ROMANIA and ROMANIANS (the native inhabitants of ROMANIA), and ROMA/ROMANI/Y.

This was highly premeditated by the gypsies(natives of India) and had, as end result, confused Europe and the rest of the world.

If it is ROMA and ROMANI, they must come from ROMANIA, and therefore all ROMANIANS are gypsies. Whatta GAS !!..Oh boy !

We have tried to clarify this misnomer since 1997:

Not only do gypsies identify with ROMANIA, but also with ROMA, Italy, therefore 2(two) countries are affected - Romania and Italy.

If gypsies call themselves ROMA, they must come from ROME, Italy. :-)

Check MATE. :lol: :P
Last edited by Vlad on Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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What do the Gypsies have to say?

Post by webmaster »

We would appreciate any comments from Gypsies/Romany ancestry.

It is oh, so obvious that this issue/topic needs clarification.

"Audiatur et altera pars", the Romans would say.

Maybe VladDracula88 can clarify it for us ???
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Re: What do the Gypsies have to say?

Post by Vlad »

webmaster wrote:We would appreciate any comments from Gypsies/Romany ancestry.

It is oh, so obvious that this issue/topic needs clarification.

"Audiatur et altera pars", the Romans would say.

Maybe VladDracula88 can clarify it for us ???
Regarding ROMA/ROMANY....I have done my part to clarify the issue. Please access this and spread it around, so that there will not be any confusion: ... light=roma
AS far as the Romanian gov. is concerned, what can anyone expect, when they are not able to identify and/or spell out the Romanian FLAG for the rest of the world ??? It is going to be a showdown at the BEIJING Olympics, when 2 countries shall appear with the same flag: Chad and Romania.
Nevermind the Roma/Romani(y)/Romania confusion, and the rest.
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Post by VladDracula88 »

it's an invented term to creeate confusion with Romania and Romanians
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Post by VladDracula88 »

The Soros Foundation is the author of this malefic invention called Roma integration decade. In fact, the only thing they wanted to get was to "grant" gypsies with a fake European identity. The victim was easy to find and easy to double-cross: the new and tormented state, with a new and confused democracy: Rumania.
I prefer this form of our country's name because I refuse as native Rumanian and European to be part of this forgery: the gypsies are migrant Asian people which left their lands for centuries and Rumanian people didn't exterminate or chase them as other Western
countries did in the Middle Ages and so they settled ( if we can say that for a migrating population ) in this area in greater number than in other parts of Europe.
Now we suffer the consequences, being accused for the crimes committed by gypsies all over Europe, and their new brand invented name "rom" is a shame for Rumanians a.k.a Romanians.
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Well said

Post by Vlad »

VladDracula88 wrote:The Soros Foundation is the author of this malefic invention called Roma integration decade. In fact, the only thing they wanted to get was to "grant" gypsies with a fake European identity. The victim was easy to find and easy to double-cross: the new and tormented state, with a new and confused democracy: Rumania.
I prefer this form of our country's name because I refuse as native Rumanian and European to be part of this forgery: the gypsies are migrant Asian people which left their lands for centuries and Rumanian people didn't exterminate or chase them as other Western
countries did in the Middle Ages and so they settled ( if we can say that for a migrating population ) in this area in greater number than in other parts of Europe.
Now we suffer the consequences, being accused for the crimes committed by gypsies all over Europe, and their new brand invented name "rom" is a shame for Rumanians a.k.a Romanians.
What more can we add??
Finally, somebody said it like it is.

The truth shall always prevail.

Thank you much for your enlightening comment.

As far as "RUMANIA" vs "ROMANIA" is concerned, we say NO.

ROMANIA has its name derived from the old ROMAN EMPIRE.

Please check the following links and pass them ON:

The authors of the forgery, shall pay dearly in the future.
Tides/Times, they are a'changing.
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Post by VladDracula88 »

both Rumania and Romania comes from Romanus , the romanian language normally changes the unstressed (Vulgar) Latin "o" to "u"
cognatus => cumnat
cogitare => cugeta
intro => intru
scribo => scriu

Rumania is the correct form in Romanian language and I preffer this form for the reasons I told you before
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Rumania vs Romania

Post by Vlad »

VladDracula88 wrote:both Rumania and Romania comes from Romanus , the romanian language normally changes the unstressed (Vulgar) Latin "o" to "u"
cognatus => cumnat
cogitare => cugeta
intro => intru
scribo => scriu

Rumania is the correct form in Romanian language and I preffer this form for the reasons I told you before
Again, I want to stress the fact that Rumania is incorrect (please read the links). Rumania was also a misnomer imposed by others (typically by Hungarians ), in order to try and break the country's link with the Eastern ROMAN Empire.

Quote: "What most people would probably regard as an obscure footnote to Mediaeval history, the Byzantine Empire, was in fact still the Roman Empire, known to Western Europeans, "Latins" or "Franks" at the time, as Romania, already the name of the Empire in Late Antiquity. In the Middle Ages, the Greeks used their own word for "Greeks," Hellênes, to mean the ancient pagan Greeks, as the word is used in the New Testament. They were themselves always Romans, Rhômaîoi. The Latin conquest of Constantinople in 1204, and then refugees from the fall of the City to the Ottomans in 1453, rather crudely, but effectively, brought the heritage of the Roman East back into the hitherto poorer Mediaeval civilization of the West. " -

Please read it carefully and admire the historical maps.
Today's ROMANIA, has always been called ROMANIA.
I rest my case.

Even though the following articles are in ROMANIAN, I think they should be part of this topic:
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Post by blood_cocktail »

To tell the truth I am only sorry that Antonescu did´t get to finish the job. Let me elaborate a little. I am now living in Spain and see things all the time. The gypsies in Europe are not like the ones in the US. The US, on the good side, forces them to attend school to say the least. In school, at the very minimum they are introduced to discipline, society and to write their own name. In Europe there is a mix; countries of the former bloc and generally poor or liberal, like Spain, don´t really give a hoot. Let me describe the picture of, but not limited to, Italy and Spain. This is the way 99% of these parasites of society live.
1. Transportation - Find a car/truck/bus etc for sale, go see it and act interested, introduce some motor oil in the radiator and end up ripping that person/company off by convincing them that they´ll have to change the motor and buying it dirt cheap. Resell for profit.
2. Since the credit system is not integrated and is based on the papers you bring with you (always falsified in their case since no easy access to the proof system) buy cars, plasma TVs, etc and never pay a cent. In Spain they give you the title to the car even though you haven´t made the 1st payment on it yet, which you can sell and keep the cash. Using this method Gypsies have already made huge damage in Spain. So... fraud. When a Romanian applies for a loan in Spain banks run from you like you have leprosy.
3. Stealing copper and other metals from construction sites etc and reselling.
4. Begging throughout Europe. Washing windshields (begging) etc.
5. All activities that require no work, legal or otherwise.
6. Force their will on the weak people of Europe. Etc etc etc
So these are the people that Italy said it can´t integrate. Not that Italy isn´t a racist country, because they are, nor that programs couldn´t be implemented in the EU to impose on the gypsies to change somewhat. But all in all, my honest opinion is, that only by eradicating them this issue can close. I´ve had experience with Gypsies from Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Germany and Hungary. Down deep all the same with same traits and habits period. I used to have illusions and be naive when I came from the states too.
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Re: Gypsies

Post by Vlad »

blood_cocktail wrote:To tell the truth I am only sorry that Antonescu did´t get to finish the job. Let me elaborate a little. I am now living in Spain and see things all the time. The gypsies in Europe are not like the ones in the US. The US, on the good side, forces them to attend school to say the least. In school, at the very minimum they are introduced to discipline, society and to write their own name. In Europe there is a mix; countries of the former bloc and generally poor or liberal, like Spain, don´t really give a hoot. Let me describe the picture of, but not limited to, Italy and Spain. This is the way 99% of these parasites of society live.
1. Transportation - Find a car/truck/bus etc for sale, go see it and act interested, introduce some motor oil in the radiator and end up ripping that person/company off by convincing them that they´ll have to change the motor and buying it dirt cheap. Resell for profit.
2. Since the credit system is not integrated and is based on the papers you bring with you (always falsified in their case since no easy access to the proof system) buy cars, plasma TVs, etc and never pay a cent. In Spain they give you the title to the car even though you haven´t made the 1st payment on it yet, which you can sell and keep the cash. Using this method Gypsies have already made huge damage in Spain. So... fraud. When a Romanian applies for a loan in Spain banks run from you like you have leprosy.
3. Stealing copper and other metals from construction sites etc and reselling.
4. Begging throughout Europe. Washing windshields (begging) etc.
5. All activities that require no work, legal or otherwise.
6. Force their will on the weak people of Europe. Etc etc etc
So these are the people that Italy said it can´t integrate. Not that Italy isn´t a racist country, because they are, nor that programs couldn´t be implemented in the EU to impose on the gypsies to change somewhat. But all in all, my honest opinion is, that only by eradicating them this issue can close. I´ve had experience with Gypsies from Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Germany and Hungary. Down deep all the same with same traits and habits period. I used to have illusions and be naive when I came from the states too.
As much as EU and US may try to hush the above things up, they shall not succeed to sweep the REAL problems under the carpet.
These frictions and anymosities will not go away. They will create bigger and nastier problems, in the years to come.

Thanks for letting everybody know how it actually is, out there.
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Post by blood_cocktail »

Just wanted to add that I´m sorry if my comments have been perhaps a bit harsh, but that reality is sometimes that way. Truth is the truth regardless.
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Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

I have never encountered a Gypsie except once as a child but have little memory of the instance.
However, I have never heard anything good about them, and more then 95% of what I have heard are first hand accounts. Apparently, even in the states they are trouble. A common line you will here is: "you'll know em when you see em."
I don't like to follow stereotypes and do not have any first hand experience with Gypsies to speak of, but if what I have heard is the case, then all I can say to them is: "If you don't like the scumbag label, then don't earn it."
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Re: Note

Post by Vlad »

blood_cocktail wrote:Just wanted to add that I´m sorry if my comments have been perhaps a bit harsh, but that reality is sometimes that way. Truth is the truth regardless.
Honestly, no excuses needed.

As we should all know by now, any action has a reaction.

In the Chinese philosophy it is called Ying and Yang.

In the Western philosophy it may be called Karma, and/or "what goes around, comes around", or even in the blessed Romanian language: "Ce tzie nu-tzi place, altuia nu-i face", sau "Nu blestema, pentru ca blestemele se intorc impotriva ta".

Therefore, you describing the reality, for the people to see and "sleep on it" and/or wake the f. UP on it, was but a decent and honest reaction to the BS that is happening around this world.

Who knows, maybe if enough comments such as yours, get posted and read, this f-ed up world may become a better place.

This BS about helping others of "doubtful ethnicity" and the so called "tolerance" towards other "nomad" tribes, is but a smoke screen invented by the same people who do not tolerate anybody, but their own. Guess who they are. I'll give you 3 guesses, the first 2 do not count. :twisted:

More gypsy deeds here: ... ight=cozma
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Re: Note

Post by PurpleSkie »

^ In the Chinese philosophy it is called Ying and Yang. ^

It's not Ying and Yang. It's Yin and Yang.
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Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

Yes, this was something that I learned quite a bit about in martial arts. It's actually a very in depth concept that goes much further then those to points. It basically follows the outline and belief that the universe is engineered to survive by conflict, and that all natural things and lives have natural competitors. This concept goes with life, objects and the very laws of physics.
Pride is the root of all evil. Nothing good ever comes from it.
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