Ladies and Dobermans, in honour of Country of Kosovo not being recognized as a country within a country (a cuckoo's nest), we shall play
BALKAN songs, until the powers that be (US, UK, and all the other kiss countries) shall take their hands OFF Serbia.
History repeating, one World War had already started from Serbia.
Is this the NEW WORLD Order agenda?? Creating a country within a country?? and then blame it on Balkan countries being "nationalistic"?
Another World War??
Please recognize this BS for what it is: Western countries' bankers "DIVIDE et IMPERA" policy.
Western EU is pushing its LUCK with the Balkan countries.
That luck may explode in their faces, eventually and finally.
We remember one ex-president of Romania, Iliescu, who tried to establish a BALKAN coalition. At least he tried.
May God help us all.
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